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No surprise, but Solar Tide 2024 started our festival season off strong! Two weekends ago, we spent two days immersed in the city, reuniting with homies, and dancing our hearts out.

  • Roundtrip train ticket: $80
  • Four Chicago hot dogs: $28
  • Uber to the Patio Theatre: $12
  • Dancing to some of the best sets you’ve ever heard: Priceless
  • dewey x TwinnFlame at Solar Tide
  • Rowhm press
  • solar tide attendees
  • Solar Tide crowd shot
  • Halogenix

Solar Tide went a lil’ something like this…


At six o’clock sharp, the charming duo, Dewey and TwinnFlame kicked off day one. Their energetic stage presence and badass feminine energy truly set the night’s tone. The liveliness didn’t skip a beat once Rowhm took the stage! Our favorite fashionable DJ blended fast beats with soulful vocals that echoed through the theatre. Not to mention the few unreleased tunes sprinkled in. Afterward, the dancefloor became even more animated when Nic Baker and Commodo blessed us with their equally exciting sets.

Earlier, when we said we danced to some of the best sets we had ever heard this weekend, that was not a lie!

Monty not only had the crowd engaged, but also our feet! Likewise, that Halogenix set was absolutely stunning. The spirit of the Patio Theatre was palpable, as everyone, from the performers on stage to the attendees back in the seats, got their groove on. He even played a fan favorite, “Independent,” as a treat!

Even though night one was quickly coming to an end, Taiki Nulight and BOU showed us no mercy. Eccentric basslines and enthusiastic MCs – it was so much fun. Every single attendee was happily immersed in the show until the lights came on!

flow arts performer on stage with LED hoops during Rowhm's set
Photo by Harry


Then, in the blink of an eye, it was time for night two to commence. Baby Boy was the first to take the stage on Saturday night, getting the crowd in the right mindset for a wild night of dubstep. Wuukz and Vire went back to back and rattled the building with every track. Next up was the moment everyone’s been waiting for: Torcha finally making his Chicago debut. The heavy-hitting bass had the HSDs humming, especially after he dropped his collab with Medicine Place! Similarly, the 140 connoisseur, Distinct Motive really let the Henny’s sing during his performance.

Now, the next four hours is when things get undeniably ROWDY. Attendees were piling in by the second, while the flow artists were slaying on stage. Joker started mellow, but eventually revved up the atmosphere from 0 to 100, which carried over as Sicaria did her thing next. The queen had booties bouncin’ and knees poppin’ all throughout the venue. Thereafter, The Widdler threw down, better than any other show we’ve seen him at. His exuberant melodies and the crisp bass went hand in hand. And last, but certainly not least, the legend himself, Caspa floated onstage. Apparently, it’s a thing that when artists visit Chicago they put on some of their best work… and from experiencing that Caspa set (including the entire weekend) I can confirm that that is correct. The dubstep guru taught us a lesson that we’ll never forget.

All in all, it was without a doubt, a marvelous weekend of music.

Caspa at Solar Tide
Photo by: Harry

Lastly, a huge thank you to the NSW Presents team for inviting Electric Hawk out for Solar Tide 2024! It’s always a pleasure working with such a great team. Until next time! <3

All photos provided by Solar Tide

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Morganne Davis

she/her • 28 • MI

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